At The Master's Study, we believe education is more than just memorizing facts and writing papers. We seek to assist you in forming your children to be thoughtful citizens, compassionate neighbors, and devoted servants of God, because that's what lasts long after they've graduated.

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"[Our daughter] is really enjoying her transition to TMS and seems to be adjusting well. We both really appreciate how welcoming and helpful everyone has been! We continue to be very impressed by TMS and so appreciate your partnership and the high quality education [she] is receiving. The tutors have been excellent in their teaching, discipleship, and care for her as a whole person."

- TMS High School Parent

"My children really love coming to school at TMS, and they love the community."

- TMS Lower School Parent

"At Master's I found honest friends, caring teachers, and devoted staff. The relationships I developed in this community fostered the communication skills that have enabled me to succeed in college."

- Zachary, IUPUI '20, TMS '16

"My time at TMS helped me to see the big picture of history -- the interconnectivity, complexity, and beauty of the story that God has crafted while lovingly using us as His instruments. The faculty at TMS taught me to delve headfirst into the literature and primary sources of that story and to see the universals of the human condition and the nature of God found in the particulars of every era."

- Isabella, University of Notre Dame '19, TMS '15

"The university model of The Master's Study high school really helped prepare me for college: how to organize my time, my schedule, and my classes. It made the transition from high school so much easier and less stressful compared to my fellow college classmates. The practicals throughout the sciences in Master's also proved to be an immense benefit for the nursing program. I was able to get ahead with some of the most challenging, weed-out classes because of how the high school science classes prepared me. All-in-all, The Master’s Study was an amazing foundation for college and I’m so thankful for the opportunities it gave me to grow and learn."

- Rachel, Cedarville University '21, TMS '17

"The Master's Study not only encouraged me to pursue excellence in my studies, but also in my character.  Having a curriculum centered around Christ pushed me to surrender every area of my life, my mind, heart, and soul to Him."

- Emma, Murray State University '20, TMS '16

"The Master's Study provided me with a strong foundation in theology, rhetoric, history and literature -- all necessary elements for handling secular teaching from secular universities. TMS also gave me the opportunity to know and learn from a spectacular faculty, some of whom continue to be my friends and mentors today."

- Kelsie, IUPUI '19, TMS '15