TMS Lower School

The TMS Lower School (Pre-K-8th) meets once a week for a full day of learning, growing, and community. For each class, we strive to maintain a small classroom setting. You can view courses in the Lower School Scope & Sequence. Our teacher-tutors are here to direct and guide, but you as the parent are the lead teacher of your homeschool. It is up to you to add to or subtract from the curriculum according to your children's needs, as you see fit.

Our Lower School follows a four-year history curriculum cycle together. This means that while your 7th grader is writing and preparing a monologue from the perspective of Theodore Roosevelt, your 5th grader might be studying the pros and cons of the Spanish-American War, and your 3rd grader can be reading The Legend of the Teddy Bear. This helps foster conversations at home, as the entire family is focused on the same time period. It also facilitates additional educational opportunities, like museum visits that pertain to the larger picture of what everyone is studying together.


In our full-day preschool program, the focus is hands-on fun and exploration with basic early-learning concepts. Students practice the development of both large and fine motor skills, while learning how to live as a good friend to classmates. The program seeks to establish fundamental educational building blocks, like learning the alphabet, but also incorporates Biblical truths, making sure each child knows he is loved by his Creator.

Lower Grammar (K-3rd)

In Lower Grammar, children begin developing foundational learning skills and gathering knowledge of the world around them. Classes are staffed by teacher-tutors who bring excitement and joy to the study of history, science, recitation, art, music, and PE. Each grade level is shepherded by an aide, who spends the entire day with students to provide consistency and accountability as they move from class to class. It is an encouraging, thoughtful, and fun learning environment for all!

Upper Grammar (4th-6th)

In Upper Grammar, TMS students build upon their learning with more emphasis on the Humane Letters studies of history, literature, and writing. Together in one class, these three disciplines are used to discuss, debate, and analyze those who have gone before us and what has led to the world we live in today. Students also continue to be guided through science, art, music, and recitation by teacher-tutors who love teaching their respective subject areas. In addition, students begin their official study of the Latin language in Upper Grammar. So much growing and learning occurs at this stage!

Dialectic (7th-8th)

In the first two grades of the Dialectic program, students begin to analyze and apply their learning in new ways. The focus is on independent thinking and analysis in preparation for the years that lie ahead. One unique mark of the Dialectic experience is the 7th grade monologue. Students choose someone from the designated historical period to research and embody in voice and costume. They write a monologue from that character's point of view, memorize it, and perform at the Final Performance. Along with academic studies, Dialectic students engage together in leadership and service opportunities throughout the year. These opportunities allow for a well-rounded season of learning and growth.

Our Dialectic students in 7th and 8th grades participate in our Shepherding program. This opportunity encourages student leadership and respect through service, teamwork, stewardship, and community.  Our students serve not only within our program but become the hands and feet of Christ to many outside our own community.

Our annual Final Performance
Our annual Final Performance
Lower Grammar History
Lower Grammar History
Our PreK Classroom
Our PreK Classroom
Dialectic Science Fair
Dialectic Science Fair
Upper Grammar Keystone Projects
Upper Grammar Keystone Projects
Dialectic Spirit Days
Dialectic Spirit Days
Dialectic Monologue Performance
Dialectic Monologue Performance
Being the Hands and Feet of Christ
Being the Hands and Feet of Christ

Want to know more?

If you're interested in having your family join the TMS community, click here for more details about our application process.